NOW 5 things that worry me...

  1. Firewall on french version the “log” when u clear it its automatically change fast to english then return to french. Strange weird thing isnt it ? I think its reproducable.
    (SOLVED) 2. Is it normal that the version of the avast! files in my avast! Folder install isnt the same version ?
  2. The scan log (scroll bar) is really weird for me its not complete its just stop into middle of center… Its should continue that scroll bar to the down.
  3. Button of “Supprimer” in “Scan au demarrage” in “Parametres” if you scroll the bar to it then there a little glitch of the button that happen right next to it. Its hard to explain but there are a small “|” that is missing…
  4. “Rapports de scans” do like the firewall log… When u going to see your logs then there very fast a english > french switch.

Specs : Vista 32 bits - avast! Internet Security 6.0.X French version


6=i can resize the gadget by right click while cursor is inside gadget and go to size and choose large or small or use the arrow below the closeout x on the gadget itself,thats the only way ive been able to resize it.

There none for me in Vista. Maybe its was removed ? For sure for me its all fine the gadget fit just well with my others and not too big. So i dont know if you can but i can say its awesome i did test for first the gadget scan when u move a file to the gadget.

+1 for avast!

im not sure about the gadget in vista as im on 7 sorry.i do in win 7 have the drag file to gadget to scan.

BUMP ! Please can you verify if this has been verified on the pre-release ? If no please fix it ! There some that has been there in 5.1…

Bump what? There’s no resize gadget feature in Vista, only in W7. This is Vista limitation, not Avast one.

First post isnt for you and yes i know about gadget. :wink: Vlk told me it.

  1. yes, it’s normal
    the rest - you might be right, but it’s certainly of very low priority (yet not very simple to change), so it might be fixed in the future

Thank igor. Im very glad that you did respond me.

Im very glad also to hear that it might be fixed in the future. ;D
