NSA Haxks 50,0000 networks

Read this Article. http://mashable.com/2013/11/23/nsa-infected-computer-networks/

News leaked, but hacking 50k netowrks is a little stupid, then spreading malware to exploit and take any data you want? I can see easily where this can go and how fast it will go there…


All this is why “bric cable” gonna be brought in and should be operational starting 2015 “in defiance of the US”-> Read: http://www.itworld.com/internet/377182/bric-nations-plan-their-own-independent-internet
If I try to open this link: http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-brics-independent-internet-in-defiance-of-the-us-centric-internet - I read:

Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again in a couple of minutes.

Are messages like this quoted “HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable” probably where this will be leading to? :smiley:


That site had trouble and I just picked that very link at that very moment, a mere coincident :

We are currently experiencing some temporary technical difficulties, largely due to excess traffic.

The site should be back shortly.

Thank you for your understanding.


Latest update: site is back on