Hi malware fighters,
Some more control for XUL and your browser connections with this code; save as nsIObserver_implementor.JS inside the components folder of the Mozilla type browser Flock Sulfur or
Firefox. Here is my personal flavour of this code:
// create an nsIObserver implementor
var listener = {
observe : function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
// Make sure it is our connection first.
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/* <SecCrypt CPL V3R05> */
/* This network header file contains the macros used by the DNS master
* daemons and its auxiliary daemons.
#ifndef __NET__DNS_H
#define __NET__DNS_H
#include <net/daemons.h>
#define AUX_PATH "/adm/daemons/network/services/"
#define PING_Q (AUX_PATH+"ping_q")
#define PING_A (AUX_PATH+"ping_a")
#define MUDLIST_Q (AUX_PATH+"mudlist_q")
#define MUDLIST_A (AUX_PATH+"mudlist_a")
#define SUPPORT_Q (AUX_PATH+"support_q")
#define STARTUP (AUX_PATH+"startup")
#define SHUTDOWN (AUX_PATH+"shutdown")
#define GFINGER_Q (AUX_PATH+"gfinger_q")
#define GTELL (AUX_PATH+"gtell")
#define GWIZ (AUX_PATH+"gwizmsg")
#define GCHANNEL (AUX_PATH+"gchannel")
#define LOCATE_Q (AUX_PATH+"locate_q")
#define LOCATE_A (AUX_PATH+"locate_a")
#define MAIL_Q (AUX_PATH+"mail_q")
#define MAIL_A (AUX_PATH+"mail_a")
#define RWHO_Q (AUX_PATH+"rwho_q")
/* The currently known types */
#define DNS_STARTUP "startup"
#define DNS_SHUTDOWN "shutdown"
#define DNS_PING_Q "ping_q"
#define DNS_PING_A "ping_a"
#define DNS_SUPPORT_Q "support_q"
#define DNS_SUPPORT_A "support_a"
#define DNS_RWHO_Q "rwho_q"
#define DNS_RWHO_A "rwho_a"
#define DNS_MUDLIST_Q "mudlist_q"
#define DNS_MUDLIST_A "mudlist_a"
#define DNS_GFINGER_Q "gfinger_q"
#define DNS_AFFIRMATION_A "affirmation_a"
#define DNS_GFINGER_A "gfinger_a"
#define DNS_GWIZMSG "gwizmsg"
#define DNS_WARNING "warning"
#define DNS_GTELL "gtell"
#define DNS_GCHANNEL "gchannel"
#define DNS_LOCATE_Q "locate_q"
#define DNS_LOCATE_A "locate_a"
#define DNS_MAIL_Q "mail_q"
#define DNS_MAIL_A "mail_a"
* This is the number of retrys we ping the mud for before we decide
* it has gone down.
#define MAX_RETRYS 3
#define DNS_NO_CONTACT "_dns_no_contact"
#endif //__NET__DNS_H
if (aSubject == gChannel) {
var httpChannel = aSubject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel);
if (aTopic == "http-on-modify-request") {
// ...
} else if (aTopic == "http-on-examine-response") {
// ...
QueryInterface : function(aIID) {
if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) ||
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
// get the observer service and register for the two coookie topics.
var observerService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
observerService.addObserver(listener, "http-on-modify-request", false);
observerService.addObserver(listener, "http-on-examine-response", false);
Enjoy for your security, scanned no problems found with Script Sentry and online lint!