Number of definitions 2,724,726 is it with this version?

Please count with the last version :-[
Please mention?
To clarify this version
And notified to update is done correctly
Or not may be correct Number
Because the line Dial-up :frowning:

Current version: 100704-1

Number of definitions: 2,724,726 <<<<---- ???

That is the correct and latest definitions update, why? are you having problems with your Avast ???

I want to specify!
The my correct number the of main version correct . ::slight_smile:

When you get an update you only download the latest additions to your definitions. You do not download all 2 million plus every time. The new defs are added to your database file and the version number is updated. At least that is my understanding of how it works. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong.

And who really cares what the magic number is, as long as Avast does the fantastic job that it does.
A very satisfied user

I think he was concerned with the number because he is on a dialup connection and downloading that many defs every update could be a problem.

Agree with above. So all is well. :slight_smile:

Yes, because making sure the modem from updating correctly :slight_smile:
Now please tell the version number submit?!

Please count with the last version ???

Current version: 100704-1

Number of definitions: 2,724,726

Why is that important to you? The number doesn’t mean much to you it appears so i wouldn’t really bother with it if i were you. If avast! says that you already have the latest updates installed, then you do have them. It’s that simple. You can check the date, if it’s different for 1 day or max 2, it’s fine.

How important to you whether the number is Number of definitions
The update is correct or not? Because
With very Slow modem Dial-up
Number of definitions to ensure, and we compare our software is good :wink:

you can see the latest update here if that is what you want ?
Virus Update History 2010

The virus definition number is enough for that: 100705-0 is 5 of July 2010 the first (zero) release of the day.
Let virus definitions update automatically.


I think problem is local time

when in iran date is 5/7 in other country’s is 4/7 ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

Sometimes the definition update is sure huge ;D

@ Shiw Liang
Will you stop posting this sort of misleading c**P, the whole point of incremental virus definitions is to reduce the download size.

@ oscar8h
I have been using avast for a little over 6 years and I have been on dial-up all that time and I have never really had any issues with the incremental virus definitions being overly large.

The “Number of definitions: 2,724,726” you mention relates to the cumulative total, from your initial installation (which has a near complete copy of the virus definitions) and for each incremental virus definition update that you do this figure will also increase incrementally. On average the virus definition update will be measured in KBs and not MBs and even on dial-up won’t take long.

No dear, I did not record the number here

Post your link is the original version .

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Current version: 100705-1

Dont double thread in the same subject.