Number of definitions ؟؟؟!!!!

Whether the number is correct ?

Number of definitions 2،729،315

This version number is Current ?

Current version 100705-1

Yes, because making sure the modem from updating correctly
Now please tell the version number submit?!

Please count with the last version

Current version: 100705-1

Number of definitions: 2,729,315

And the Number of definitions of notified with confidence
And to manually update I

I’m very sensitive about this subject
I have to change their window xp
and install new avast! Free Antivirus

HELP !! :-\

your update is current, no problem :wink:

Thank you so much
Numbers of definitions tell?

10 = 2010
07 = 7nd months of the year
05 = day

The definitions tell it self if its up to date. :wink:

Nice one. I never saw that logic in the number of the definitions.

This was discussed a lot in the past…

  1. There are a marketing issue involved. Companies estimate the number of viruses by high.
  2. There are different counts possible: variants, etc.
  3. There is not an international rule for virus naming, so same virus could be consider one or more by other company.
  4. Scanning settings are very important.
  5. Active viruses (ITW) are really more important then the whole number.
  6. Generic signatures and heuristic detections cannot be really counted as ‘virus detection’.

Well, etc. etc.
Trust avast!

Many things are detected under same names. only lists new names.
The number of “definitions” also counts the -gen detections somehow (Trojan-gen, …) - that are not shown on the history page.
You can say that the history page shows only new detection names, not new detections.

the number of definitions increases with the update version, every day, so as I had what I said, and it’s the same as what you had, and as I had it on the day I mentioned it, i.e. yesterday (10-07-05-1), it must have been up to date ;D

This thread is a duplicate thread. The original started with thread

yep, I missed the other thread ::slight_smile: … don’t know why people feel the need to do that.

I have one question. Are outdated and obsolete definitions removed in the updating process?

Yes. Also Fps…!