Obtain new licence key xp Home

I reinstalled XP home today, and when i tried to activate it over the internet. I received by Microsoft that by their records i have reached the amount of times for the key number to be reactivated.

I tried the phone number that was given to get a new key, but as usual you are giving options etc press key 1 or 2 etc, but these are for new computers etc.
Tried putting in my old key was told it was invalid over the phone.
Tried ringing again to see what happens if i waited, only kept being told to push a number and after awhile told goodbye and they hung up.

Does anyone know how to resolve this or should i just pack the comp away.

XP Home edition
EDIt I live in Australia

Hi I reinstalled XP home today, and when i tried to activate it over the internet. I received by Microsoft that by their records i have reached the amount of times for the key number to be reactivated.

I tried the phone number that was given to get a new key, but as usual you are giving options etc press key 1 or 2 etc, but these are for new computers etc.
Tried putting in my old key was told it was invalid over the phone.
Tried ringing again to see what happens if i waited, only kept being told to push a number and after awhile told goodbye and they hung up.

Depends on the version of XP license, i.e, OEM, retail, etc. OEM has some restrictions, but you should be able to reactivate as many times as needed on the same machine whether OEM or retail.

Person should have given you a new key depending, and explained why not if they could not.

Here: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_install/is-there-a-limited-number-of-times-windows-7-can/2ac02aaa-aa8a-4c5f-81ff-beb87f904cc0

Even though this thread is about Win 7, situation you have is similar.

Thanks for your reply mchain. :slight_smile:

I think when i rang Microsoft it was an Auto response, so they had a set of questions what button to push etc, but was only for new computers.

Will try again tomorrow. :frowning:


No problem.

Rang microsoft again and waited for their auto response to finish, (went through it 3 times) after 3rd time was put through to a operator this time.
Took about 2 minutes and xp was reactivated, and i must say the Microsoft operator was very helpful and friendly.

So now i am a happy camper :slight_smile:

So now i am a happy camper :)

Glad to help. ;D ;D