Occasional bug with Quttera website scanner

I’ve had a minor thing happen where Quttera finishes up a scan for the website I’ve incerted, after finishing the scan it leaves me into the page with small scan process window on top. It shows the scan result onetheless, but I have to update the tab to get into detailed scan result page. This has happened only cpuple of times in last two days though. Probably some sort of bug, but has this happened to anyone else? ???

Hi Pernaman,

That is why it is better to do both scans with Quttera’s and Sucuri’s from inside Virustotal.

And the Virustotal scan you can have in the browser ready to load where-ever you like to work it
is called VTchromizer (mind that all your VT scans are traced by Google’s as VT belongs to Google groups.).

But there is no way to hide anywhere nowadays anyway, so fact of life.

polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)