The win95 does not have ODBC installed and the link to Microsoft does not indicate which file should be used.
Exactly which file should be installed?
Where is XML on the computer? Does it have to be installed from somewhere?
If you like you can download avast! external control from rejzor:
after you download it you must run it> Go to "change avast! database storage method (XML/ODBC) and configure it from there and click ok. (You must then restart your PC I believe.)
Raymac, you don’t have to install ODBC neither XML…
avast! will work with Windows 95 if you do not mess with Internet Explorer.
Just choose the XML storage method as posted or, if you want, you may try to open the \data\avast4.ini file and in the [Common] section, change the item Database=ODBC to Database=XML.
Next avast version will have a specific setting (GUI) for changing this… coming soon.