office 2003 wil not startted

Hello ti you all. I have Office 2003 installed on my computer. After de reboot Avast wil not startup. If I started microsoft offcie outlook Avast wil start but after about 35 seconds de screen from outlook pops up and avast is also strted up.

I use Windows 2000 al updates en servicepacks are installed. My memory is 500 mb ande de processor is 2.4 Gig. NVIDIA card.

I have search the board for related topics but i couldnt find it and sorry for mij very very bad english :-[

Any ideas?

So the only thing you’re asking about is that it takes avast long to load?

What if you don’t start Outlook – does avast start anyway?

Thanks for the reply. Indeed Avast don’t start up. The icon in the systemtray is not “spinning around” it stands stil. If I klik on the icon in the systemtray it says it has not don the job.

I have also WINXP on the same box. Unde XP there is no problem.

Check the Windows event log, antivirus category. Are there any entries (especially red entries)?

Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Event Viewer.

thanks for the reply vlk. This is in the eventlog:

“the service control manager says: The avast antivirus-service is by startup get stuck”

Sorry I must translate the dutch into english

Well this is in the Application category.
And what about the Antivirus category?

Oke I found the catagory. But it says allone that is has updated the virus database; but I say another thing.

The icon in the systemtray was not working. i klikt on the avasticon in the systemtray and the following screen popt up with the text: “Avast : the AAVM subsystem found a rpc fault”

What wil this meane?

Do you have any other antivirus installed in this machine?
RPC is Remote Procedure Call a Windows absolutely necessary service.
The majority of the times, one of the two solutions bellow could be taken:

  1. Download the application called Control in my ‘signature’ bellow.
    Run it and follow the window. You have an option ‘Change avast! Database storage method’ (4th at the list) and choose XML method. Boot.

  2. If does not help, Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast antivirus > remove and choose the option ‘Repair’.

Can you post the results?

I must go to work now. In the evening I wil try your solution.

I shal post the results here.

Many thanks in advance for your time.


I have found the time to do the two things you advise me.

None of these advisices wil help.

I have the same problem.

Sorry to insist… I need this answer.

You can try either: uninstall / boot / install / boot :-\

HI Technical,

I tray everyting but I discover that I have a serious problem with my harddisk.

I must recover my entire disk. A lot of work. The partition table is corrupt. So that leaves mee with everthing instal over again.

You now the dril: totaly format, new partitions, than the whole sabang.

Thanks in advance. And no I have now antivirus software before i instal avast.

So You heard from me over the weekend I think… :-[

If I could, I’ll be here if you need help… 8)
Sorry about the disaster… :cry:

Thanks Technical; i shal remember that.

is it bay the way possible that Avast has detect this hardisk problem?

I don’t think so.
Most probably, avast ‘crashed’ or was not properly installed by that error.
By the way, which error was it?

I reseve that error from partition magic. The partition table is corrupt. I wil now backup my data and instal win2000, wnxp and Linux again. Yes al on the same box.

I have in the past the same error. I think because I experement allot with linux… :stuck_out_tongue:

great software by the way.

The error had a number but I forget that number…

Partition Magic (old versions) has a lot of troubles with NTFS…
Even use the patch I cannot solve all of them. I can’t test the new version.
Well, you’re living in danger with all that mixed OS ;D


I think because I experement allot with linux......... great software by the way.
The only problem is that I feel like I'm back to Win 3.1 and DOS. ;D

By the way, I have a half brother who uses nothing but. He’s a confirmed MS hater… :cry: