Hello ti you all. I have Office 2003 installed on my computer. After de reboot Avast wil not startup. If I started microsoft offcie outlook Avast wil start but after about 35 seconds de screen from outlook pops up and avast is also strted up.
I use Windows 2000 al updates en servicepacks are installed. My memory is 500 mb ande de processor is 2.4 Gig. NVIDIA card.
I have search the board for related topics but i couldnt find it and sorry for mij very very bad english :-[
Thanks for the reply. Indeed Avast don’t start up. The icon in the systemtray is not “spinning around” it stands stil. If I klik on the icon in the systemtray it says it has not don the job.
I have also WINXP on the same box. Unde XP there is no problem.
Oke I found the catagory. But it says allone that is has updated the virus database; but I say another thing.
The icon in the systemtray was not working. i klikt on the avasticon in the systemtray and the following screen popt up with the text: “Avast : the AAVM subsystem found a rpc fault”
Do you have any other antivirus installed in this machine?
RPC is Remote Procedure Call a Windows absolutely necessary service.
The majority of the times, one of the two solutions bellow could be taken:
Download the application called Control in my ‘signature’ bellow.
Run it and follow the window. You have an option ‘Change avast! Database storage method’ (4th at the list) and choose XML method. Boot.
If does not help, Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast antivirus > remove and choose the option ‘Repair’.
I reseve that error from partition magic. The partition table is corrupt. I wil now backup my data and instal win2000, wnxp and Linux again. Yes al on the same box.
I have in the past the same error. I think because I experement allot with linux…
Partition Magic (old versions) has a lot of troubles with NTFS…
Even use the patch I cannot solve all of them. I can’t test the new version.
Well, you’re living in danger with all that mixed OS ;D