Official Release of avast! Mobile Security

Hi everyone,

it’s my pleasure to announce that the new avast! Mobile Security product for Android has just been officially released.

Thanks to everyone who helped testing the beta builds, you guys have been terrific.

Now, this is just a beginning: we have a bunch of exciting new features in the pipeline, and will be adding them to the product as they become ready. So have fun, and stay tuned!


Thanks, spreading the news…!! (
Btw, that was a fast beta-phase…! :slight_smile:

Thnx, I will put it on Twitter :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.

Shared on FB ;D And by the way, congrats on final version. It was a pleasure to test BETA’s :wink:

Just Updated, first the mobile security then the Anti-Theft. Everything works as promised, congrats you guys are the best ;D. Hope the promised anti-theft web interface comes soon too :-*

Congratulations and keep the wishlist opened :slight_smile:

I just put this on my Galaxy Nexus with 4.02 and it won’t let me turn off my wifi. please help!

The date for the newest 1.0.1282 on the android market is Dec.15
Can’t be correct. Is what’s on the market some fake?

You’re right that the date is wrong.
Nevertheless the version 1.0.1282 is no fake. :wink:

So I uninstalled the app then re-installed the ap and now I can toggle the wifi. Weird - I hope this issue doesn’t come back. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong thread.

Good news and congrats!!! Avast is the only one security soft in my laptop and android phone!!!

thanks for the new release, i have tested it and i can say this is the best!! carry on!!

Do you have any plans for a release on the Amazon App Store for Kindle Fire?

What is the web page to locate the cell phone GPS?
I searched the page and AVAST did not find, please help me …

What GPS ??? This is a security Suite for your Android Phone or Tablet.
You’ll find it at:

If you’re talking about the webplatform to manage (block, locate, etc.) the devices, it’ll be here on Q1 2012 (

Anyone have any details on this?

any deadline for the new release? ???

Is there going to be a Avast antivirus for Symbian OS mobiles. Would definitely download…