Offline Files during scan

For awhile now I’ve been using Avast, and across multiple versions I’ve been unable to get a full system virus scan that says “all clear”. It’s because of two files that are being reported as “offline”.

I asked about this awhile ago, and was told I should exclude them. Well, yeah, obviously - but the problem is I can’t figure out how to tell the program to ignore a file that is offline. I’ve tried the path shown in the screenshot I took of last night’s scan, and it doesn’t find anything to add to exclude.

Anyone have any concrete ideas on how to do this? If it is possible to ignore these, plz tell me how as I have no idea how to do it. Tkx.

My info:

Windows 8.1/Pro w/Media Center 64bit.
Avast Internet Security 2014.9.0.2011
Definitions: 140123-0

seems to do with your skydrive storage…
if you are logged in on skydrive when you scan, do you get the same result?

I thought that too - last night I let the Skydrive app run in the background when doing the scan. Same error message.

If you know that they are perfectly safe just make the proper exclusions. :slight_smile:

I tried that once before, but if you look at my original screen capture, what it’s reporting on aren’t “proper” filenames, and I couldn’t add them there. That’s where I got stuck.

Edit: This time they took. I just managed to get them entered (there was some issue before, perhaps a code change between now and then affected this). Anyway, I’ll give it another try and see what happens.