Hi to all,
I use avast client AV and I try to recommend it to all my friends and sometimes to my customers.
I’ve a question about offline update.
I know this AV must be connected to be automaticaly updated from the avast servers. But, I 've to install the AV on a machine on which I supposed infected by a virus. In fact, its behaviour lets me suppose this point.
The computer, connected to the net doesn’t let any program access to the big web. I would like to install the AV software and, to get a powerfull scan of the disks, I would like to update the AV database without any connection.
Of course, I search this possibility to destroy any virus on this computer. Once this done and the computer curated, Avast AV soft willl continue to update by itself.
The better thing is to get an exe file to update the soft loaded from the web site.
I will proceed from this way.
1- Download from the avast web site the AV soft on My own computer,
2 -Burn the soft on a CD-Rom and install this software offline on the infested machine.
3 - If I can get an exe file to update the AV dabase I will do the same as the soft to install it on the target machine and update the soft.
4 - Then start the scan to cure the computer.
Once this done, Normally the system will able to connect to the web and AVAST AV too.
SO. After verifying the possible connection with any browser, I will uninstall the entire soft and let the computer ask its home licence from AVAST web site.
This “experience” will be done with my own home license but only for this step.
If any staff member of AVAST could reply to me, I would like this done directly from my mail adress to preserve any information from avast support team. I will give you more informations about this new customer computer.
Thanks for your help