Offline updating shows error

I update virus bases of Avast in offline mode. When I start to install new bases I see error on screen below. Help me to understand how I can update my Avast. Thank you!
add: I saw the advice here to upgrade version of Avast. I`ll try it and write here if it help.

Welcome to the forum! :wink:

Why don’t you update online?
Try - I think it’s easier to install new bases…

Thanks :slight_smile:
I have no internet at that computer

OK, good luck and give us a short answer…

Updating of the program helpes, thanks.

You’re very welcome…! ;D

Thank you for the feedback! :slight_smile:

Servus, mein “Ersthelfer”! :wink:

hi sweetie,
glaub’ nicht, daß du noch ‘erste hilfe’ brauchst, jetzt bist ja schon fast erwachsen… :wink:

… na ja, ich arbeite daran!
Liebe Grüße
~SKY~ :-*

…wird schon. :wink: :-*