Old Registration Key, work for new Free Version Of Avast.

I have my registration key for the previous version of Free Avast before this newer version, and my question is will it work when installing the new Free version? or will I need to register from scratch?

The registration if I remember correctly ceases in November 2008

I currently use AVG but will be going to use Free Avast soon.

Should I have unsubscribed for that past version that I was using in November 2007?, I ask this also as I don’t know if it’s possible to register the same email address more than once.

PS, I take it this new version supports Windows 98 S.E?

Thanks in advance.

The key is independent of the version, provider it is still valid (14 months from issue) it will work, if not. Complete the avast! 4 Home Registration form and you will receive an email from register @ avast.com (without the spaces) with your registration key.

You can register with the same email, and you will likely to be sent a cpy of your old key if it is still valid (should be from Nov 2007).

Ensure that you uninstall AVG and reboot befor installing the new version of avast.

The new version does support win98se, there are some modules however that won’t work due to the limitations of the OS. But, the AV will still berform on win98se.

So say I installed it now and used the same key using the same email address, would that mean I would only have until November before I needed to register again?

You would have until January the registration lasts 14 months.


I just hope that I don’t have too much trouble with the quick launch icons disappearing.

I suppose for a longer period I would be better to complete a new registration. And if I do do you think I would get a different licence key so that it would last for 14 months instead of only to January.

Just make sure that before running any scans that all non-essential applications are closed, as this does seem to be a resource issue for some and not at all for others.

Thanks DavidR

I will and report back with results.


Your welcome, we will be here ;D