Old Settings Return!!!!(direct opening of old settings from menu)

Old Settings Return!!!(direct opening of old settings from menu)

Happy to see “direct” opening of old settings menu.No more new settings menu. :slight_smile:

Not sure how long it remain like this.

Not sure why you posted the image as it doesn’t actually show direct access from the UI.

What it does (or doesn’t) show, no Upgrade Button and no Ad in the bottom quarter of the UI home screen (in Avast Free).

There appears to be no change in my Avast Free 19.4.2374 version, you still have to go to Setting > Troubleshooting and scroll to the bottom.

Yup, here also David. :slight_smile:

If you are not connected to Internet it does not show the AD,But not sure about/confused about green Upgrade Button.(Avast free) :slight_smile:

Today all normal again. :wink: