Can I download an earlier version of Avast AV, I have 4.8 on a CD I made and get adequate protection? I have a dialup connection, no access to anyones hi speed connection. Perhaps I can upgrade to Avast 5 once I install 4.8 but I specifically want to know if I can get updated virus definitions if I go with an earlier version. Please that is all I wish to know, thank you.
Well avast 4.8 has been its death throws for some considerable time as far as support goes. So the virus definitions are going to be an issue as there are two update streams 4.8 and the remainder of avast versions, 5, 6, 7 & 8.
I don’t know if the 4.8 definition updates have now ended, if not it won’t be long, so this is no long term solution.
Rather depends on what your definition of adequate protection is, things have moved on a great deal since avast 4.8 not just in terms of the AV but also malware and detections.
Hi DavidR,
Is there still a user that needs to be on 4.8? Even on the CD I would certainly migrate!
For me the OPs biggest problem is being on dial-up, not only would he have a hard time downloading any version of avast (or any other AV) on dial-up - he would have to get a friend on broadband do it or use a local government office/library to download.
But he is also on XP SP2 and SP3 is over 300MBs full download or an eternity on-line at windows update. Even then the monthly windows update for XP (until April 2014, clock ticking) is likely to be too much for dial-up. That the system is unlikely to ever be fully up to date and vulnerabilities may possibly be exploited, so you have to have your security up to the task.
So at the very minimum I would be looking at avast 5 or 6 downloaded by a friend/library along with the full virus definitions as if getting avast 5/6/7 from filehippo or similar site. The database is going to be way out of date and the first thing avast would do is try to download the complete database and why I suggest pre-empting the inevitably and download it on a fast connection first.
This system in itself with only 512MB needs I would say a minimum of 1GB for XP, the the AV isn’t the OPs only issue, just one of many that need to be addressed.
I have Avast 5.1.1489 installed on my computer. I have SP 3 as well now. However when I try to update virus definitions, nothing seems to be loading. Sorry about the earlier confusion. Why am I unable to update ? Thanks
Where did you get the installation file for 5.1.1489 as its virus definitions will be massively out of date.
So as I mentioned the avast update process would see that it is massively out of date and probably be trying to download the full database rather than try to would out what VPS updates have been missed (hundreds/thousands) it would download the full database. That may make it appear to be doing nothing as the full database download is around 93MB.
This is why I suggested you download from a library or a friend on broadband.
Manual update of VPS - avast! Virus Definitions Update - Manual Download VPS Update (virus definitions, vpsupd.exe, approx 93.4 MB). - Save the file to your hard disk, locate where you saved it and double click it and that should carry out the virus definitions update.
I downloaded Avast 5.1.1489 when my computer was not quite as slow…
If Im able should I get Avast 8.0 from a friend with a high speed connection, would that be best?
Are you quite certain that 1 GB of memory would make my Winfdows XP computer run quicker ? (As fast as it can on a dialup connection or am I just wasting my time with Windows XP. I dont want to go for the high speed connection as Im on a fixed income. Several questions here. Thanks
The main issue is incremental updates and that would include virus definitions and program updates - you need to get to a reasonable start point (as up to date as possible) and then both incremental virus definitions and program updates would be so much hassle on dial-up.
As to if you should get avast 8 is a bit hard to say, ordinarily I would say get the latest version, but avast 8 introduces some other tools and your system with only 512MB of RAM (if that is anything to go by) is under resourced, the CPU is possibly the same one it came with Intel Pentium 4 at 400-533 MHz.
So avast 7 or 6 may be a better bet to start off with, check this site this link is for avast 7.0.1474, when downloading use the FileHippo Mirror link (see image, click to expand), if you use the Download This Version button/link at the top of the page it will automatically download the latest version of avast (8.0.1489).
If I download and install Avast 6 or 7 do I have to completely remove Avast 5 from my system? is it difficult? if so how? I just removed Norton AV that came installed with the computer, it was a lengthy process to remove it from the registry… Thanks for your patience
It would probably be best to do a clean install rather than install over the top of the existing product as it is so old and the program has changed a great deal.
Download the version of avast, you decide on from the link I gave and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again (if you didn’t save your last download). Use that when you reinstall.
Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, aswClear.exe find it here and save it to your HDD (it has uninstall tools for all versions).
- Now uninstall avast! - using add remove programs, if you can’t do that (as appears to be the case) start from the next step, reboot.- 2. run the avast! Uninstall Utility, it will request it be run from safe mode (and will handle the boot into safe mode), first for 4.x if previously installed and then for 5.x, once complete reboot into normal mode.- 3. install the latest version, reboot.