Oldest avast! 4 that I found on Wayback Machine!

avast! 4 Home: http://web.archive.org/web/20021223034630/avast.com/iavs4pro/setupeng.exe
avast! 4 Professional: http://web.archive.org/web/20021223034942/avast.com/iavs4pro/setupengpro.exe

Please note that avast! 4.x came out on December 18, 2002 but the oldest setup archives of both avast! 4 Home and Professional were both archived on December 23, 2002.

Doesn’t matter that much, being able to find an old avast version, there are no VPS Updates for avast4.

Is this the one with the notifications in that great German accent?

I didn’t look but there might be a link for avast sounds somewhere in this pdf: https://files.avast.com/files/manuals/user-manual-home-eng.pdf

Are you looking for the old avast! sounds, try this:
AvastSoundsAndGif.zip > https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-vSic0iJgyeYnVjOHVadERHeDQ

Nice, got a machine to install on and just take a walk back down memory-lane. ;D

Edit; I still have an Avast Pro Antivirus v.4 License File