Omid Farhang's English

Dear Forum,

I would like to congratulate Omid Farhang on the significant contribution he has made to the Avast forum during the last three months.

Moreover I would specifically like to say that his English is also excellent. In particular after reading one of Omid’s earlier posts, where he excuses his English because he is not a native speaker, I felt motivated to post this thread.

I have absolutely no problem reading Omid’s posts and I find them very informative.

Omid is a valuable addition to the experts here, alongside Polonus, DavidR, Bob and the countless others.

On behalf of the less experienced users I would like to say thanks and keep up the great work lads!


Agreed, He’s doing a great job.

Hi Avastfan1,

Besides he has turned into a good friend, and I estimate his contributions,


Absolutely agree, I can get by in a few languages to be able to order beer & food and a smattering of other words.

So not only to be able to speak another language but to write it too and be understood, is much harder, which Omid does it very well.

Yes, I agree that Omid does very well with his English and his contributions to the forums. :slight_smile:

Sorry about being late, but just wanted say Thanks! ;D

Thank you Omid.

Thanks Friend. :slight_smile:

I had completely forgotten about this thread!

However, I will use this opportunity to say to Omid: Keep the great work up!

::slight_smile: You all are great friends