On-Access custom settings blacked out

Why is every custom setting in the On Access Protection Control interface blacked out? I use WinXP Home edition. I have no idea when this behavior started as I have not tried to change anything for quite sometime. I already tried reinstalling (complete with new license key). How do I fix this and how do I prevent it from happening again? ---- KD

Can you post a screenshot of your problem?
I need more information to help you: what options are greyed out and where are you (which window)?

Hi. Thanks for responding. Here is a screenshot of the Standard Shield’s first page of custom settings (hopefully). If for some reason the screenshot is not attached, please reply with instructions.

Each page of options, for all five installed providers, looks the same. Any line with a ‘choice’ is blacked out. Hope this helps. KD

Wow! I cannot imagine a problem like this…
I can only guess three things:

  1. Trouble of your video card and/or monitor drivers. Do you know anything about?
  2. How much RAM do you have?
  3. Are you using Internet Explorer? Did you installed any other browser?

I’m quite sure it’s not an avast trouble… I haven’t listen a problem like this before and, as you can see, I’m here for some time :-\

Here’s what I hope is a good intuitive guess – and I can’t offer any suggestions at all about the problem’s cause and solution.

If the tick-marks are showing but the following descriptive text isn’t, I’d be very tempted to assume that avast is “seeing” the tick-marks too (i.e., for operating purposes they’re active) and is behaving normally, unless you’re seeing other activity (or lack of) which suggests that avast is also being adversely affected in other ways too. As Technical has suggested, hopefully no more than a display problem.

I’ll be the first to admit that there are times that “common sense” and how a computer works are vastly different things. :stuck_out_tongue: But to this mere mortal human, it seems reasonable to guess that while you obviously do have problems, they hopefully don’t affect avast’s running properly.

This is certainly very strange.

Did you change anything in your Windows scheme / appearance that may cause this? I mean, avast! may be using an incorrect color for the background of the checkboxes (e.g. color supposed to be used for some text instead, or something like that).
Is avast! the only one application causing the problem on your system? Does it help to temporarily change Windows Color scheme, for example? (restarting of ashDisp.exe or the computer may be required for the changes to take effect).

More info: I hope this helps someone to figure this out.

I use WinXP Home, 2Ghz P4 chip, 768 MB RAM, 32MB allocated to SiS graphics card. Browser is IE6 but I did recently uninstall MSN Explorer 9 when I switched to DSL from dial-up. All drivers have been updated. This problem existed before AND after updating drivers and switching to broadband.

The uninstall of StyleXP, a desktop theme manager, may have been the cause but I can’t be sure. So far, the problem is limited to solely to the avast! On-Access custom settings. No other programs are affected. Also, even though the text is blacked out, avast! can still read the settings correctly.

No, changing the color settings of Windows doesn’t do anything. I even changed the color profile used by my LCD monitor with no effect.
Please don’t give up on this guys; I really like avast! but want everything to work right. I primarily use the Normal or High settings anyway, but don’t want to limit myself. Thanks, KD

I’m trying but I cannot figure out no other guess for you…
Your system seems good and well configurated. What the hell is going on? ::slight_smile:

Can you try another ‘avast’ language? Can you go to control panel and add another language, switch to it and see it the window gets back the right appearance?

Language change did not do anything. However, I have discovered another part of Avast that is effected. The avast! screensaver settings also has blacked out text. Sorry, I can’t be more helpful. I’m sure I will stumble across the answer someday. Thanks , K D