on-access scanner for thunderbird?

I’m just wondering if avast “on-access scanner”, when activated, will scan my emails in and out while I’m on-line. Reason is, that I use Mozilla Tunderbird for emails and when I open the “on-access protection control panel” it only seems to cater for Outlook/Exchange and does not give me a alternative email program option.

Could someone please inform me as to how to protect my comp whilst using Mozilla thunderbird & firefox.


Tunderbird is scanned by the Internet Mail provider. Also Outlook Express or any other pop3/smtp email program.
Outlook/Exchange is only for MS Outlook (full).
Are you using windows XP?

Thanks for replying. I realise that was a silly question - but I needed an answer. Yes I’m using XP. I downloaded a second anti-virus that also scans emails. however, I find that having 2 scanning programs slows my comp down a lot. Might have to do away with 1 of them. What do you know about AVG anti-virus. Seems to have had good reviews on the net. It also found trojans on my comp that avast didn’t…

Having two resident scanners installed is not recommended as rather than provide twice the protection it can cause conflicts that could leave you more vulnerable.

No two AVs will always detect the same things, Trojans being a point in question as they can be spyware or adware or downloaders, etc. there is some overlap in adware/spyware and trojan detections but avast is primarily an anti-virus. So choose a single AV and uninstall the other (AVG ;D) and arm yourself with some anti-spyware, anti-trojan options, and AVG Anti-Spyware (A.K.A. Ewido, which AVG bought), for a few check my signature. Support is another thing you should be concerned with in your choice of AV, which is limited in the free version of AVG.

As a happy EX AVG anti-virus user I feel that avast is a step or two ahead of AVG, which is more well known, but this week the 20 millionth download of avast for home was reached, so it is becoming more well known. Many reviews also rate avast! highly, the fact that it is more configurable and flexible than many other AVs is what I like about it.

You should also check out http://www.av-comparatives.org/ ‘on-line results,’ On-demand comparative for August 2006, which rates AVG as Standard and avast as Advanced.

I’ve used AVG about six months after I’ve discovered avast.
It used to have a good detection rate, after buying Ewido, the malware signatures could be stronger.
But, there are very little features on AVG, it’s poorly customizable. The update proccess is slow and not reliable (only one server).
I see no advantage on having AVG as a resident scanner. I have it, non-resident and non-email plugins, for comparison and fun ;D

Oh, they will conflict as David said if you don’t make some changes on AVG installation.