Sorry to ask a question that must have been asked before. I have searched this here but cannot find the info I need. :-
I’m using the standard avast, fully updated. I have Outlook Express. When I hover my cursor over the avast symbol in the task bar I see that there are 5 providors, 4 running.
In the Outlook/Exchange window, I see this:
“The provider is waiting for a subsystem to start.”
I thought I had set scanning up in Outlook Express when I installed avast, but now am concerned that this is not protected at all??
Maybe avast works with Outlook but not Outlook Express? Is there a way to configure avast so that it can scan my incoming and outgoing mail in OE? I really want to keep my computer safe…
Happy days to all
If you only use OE than you don’t need the outlook/exchange server. That one is for Outlook, not Outlook Express. For OE you use the mail wizzard to setup protection. So it is perfectly normal if you don’t use Outlook that the O/E server is waiting.
I only have 4 out of 5 providers running as I don’t use Outlook, assuming you have set up your email with avast! email wizard I am sure that you are protected. There are numerous threads here about email protection, a search will no doubt give you more information about this. As I understand it the wizard will make the correct changes for avast! to check Outlook Express for both outbound and incoming mail… Outlook/Echange are different programmes (more complex) than Outlook Express.
I drive a Citroen too, inthewildteam!! BX19GTi. Old now, but a real honey. Had a GS 1220 in the 80s. LOVED that li’l’ car!
Thank you both for your replies. I am reassured. I shall search again with more appropriate words, get better informed and try very hard to stop asking silly questions. ;D
Since I’ve set it up to show mail’s scanned I think I’ll send myself an email and see if it works.
Happy days to all
kakapo, don’t forget to post back if you have solved the problem.
Also check your pm’s (it’s off topic about Citroens)
Problem is definitely solved.
Thank you both