On Access Scanner Session

If the session on the On Access Scanner found a virus and there is no detail what was the action take, how will I know it was blocked? I rescanned the workstations and they are all clean. I wanted to know what was the action taken.

if you indeed used ADNM to install the client scanner then the action taken is somewhere set in the propierties of the scanning task that u run

I went to the properties for the On Access Scanner Task and it’s different settings for every providers. Some of the action will be move the virus to the chest and if failed delete. But I need to know if it got move to chest or got deleted if there is a virus found in the session. This is only for the virus found through on access scanner.

you can connect to the viruschest of the infected computer and if the virus is quarantined there then it was moved, if it is not in the viruschest then it got deleted

but i do agree, it should me directly clear what happend with the infected file, this probably will be different in the new avast that is coming

Ok. I checked in the virus chest and some of the virus are not there. I am in the panic because I did a report and it says on the report that 60% has NO action was made to the the 10 viruses. Does this mean Avast cannot delete or move the virus?

This is the information in the Session in my ON ACCESS SCANNER
that i did not find in the virus chest.

Name of file: WORKSTATION\http://smileyadv.net/sc46/flashwrapv10.js
Result: Infection:HTML:Iframe-inf
Operation: (this is blank. It did not say if it was moved to the chest or deleted)

Was this blocked by Avast that’s why there was no action made?

good question, im not sure what happend there

what u should do now then is a boottime scan of the station
IF the virus still excists and for some reason couldnt be deleted (usually becuz it is loaded in the memory) then the boottime scan can solve that