Anyone help with the following.
When I run Outlook Express I get the following messages
An unknown error has occurred. Account: ‘pop.ntlworld.com’, Server: ‘smtp.ntlworld.com’, Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: ‘421 concurrent connections limit in avast exceeded(pass:0, processes:)’, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67
The server responded with an error. Account: ‘pop.ntlworld.com’, Server: ‘pop.ntlworld.com’, Protocol: POP3, Server Response: ‘-ERR concurrent connections limit in avast exceeded(pass:0, processes:)’, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC90
When I turn off the On-Access scanner I get mail . (through Mailwasher, so I know that is not the problem)
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I am using XP Pro
Mailwasher Pro 4
and Avast 4 up to date
As an aside, I think you can actually upgrade without having to pay any more that your initial purchase.
MailWasher doesn’t download the complete email to do its analysis, it only downloads the headers, a small part of the body, it doesn’t download images or attachments and it views what is downloaded in text only. Based on this I personally don’t feel that any negligible risk worth scanning duplication, but the choice is yours.
By editing the avast4.ini file, [MailScanner] section using a text editor like notepad. It is best to save a copy of avast4.ini to another location in case of any problem, you can then copy the original back.
IgnoreProcess=MailWasher.exe add this IgnoreProcess line if you don’t already have an IgnoreProcess line, if it does put a comma after the last executable and then add the MailWasher.exe. e.g. IgnoreProcess=ExampleExecutable.exe,MailWasher.exe
That may get rid of the max connections error, or you could also increase the maxconnections also in the [MailScanner] section of the avast4.ini.
MaxConnections=20 Add this line if you don’t already have it
The default concurrent connection limit is 20 (for mail & news together). If the limit was exceeded, you would see the line Closing connection due to MaxConnections into aswMaiSv.log file. This limit exists not to save resources, but to prevent connection looping in strange configurations, so the user can increase it without worry to, for instance, 50. The value 0 disables the limit.
What ever you decide to do when you save the avast4.ini changes the self-defence module will first block and ask if this is OK, answer Yes.
Thanks for your response.
I edited the .ini file as you suggested and all is working (faster than ever before!)
Thanks for your additional comment on Mailwasher, I will check the upgrade. I wouldn’t be without it as it gives a sense of power - stopping everything it its tracks before it gets anywhere near my PC.
I used to use the free version of MW and that before they restricted it to one email account, but I purchased version 3 of MW Pro and I have been able to use the key (saved my registration email) and that has worked every time, so far, fingers crossed it stays that way.
I wouldn’t be without MW either as being on dial-up I want to get rid of the dross/smap/suspect email from the server first and only download the good email.
I had a problem today in which mail from two accounts (Operamail, Tellurian) could not be downloaded by Outlook Express, which showed that same message about an Avast-related “concurrent connections limit” being exceeded. At the same time, mail from 3 gmail accounts was not affected, which among other things prevented my noticing the problem at all for some time.
‘Pausing’ the e-mail screening did no good, but stopping it entirely did make it possible to receive e-mail via both accounts. Even better, at least for the time being, mail also went through after turning the e-mail screening service back on.
Please let me know if you have explanations for any of this … and any more effective ways of dealing with it!
First we need the full text error messages the same as Kenny posted above as this often tells us what is responsible for the excessive connections.
Pausing isn’t likely to work as the email traffic would still be going through the avast proxy but not scanned, so the max connections would still be exceeded. You would need to Terminate the Internet Mail provider.
Your gmail uses SSL (secure encrypted) email which uses a different port and as such isn’t scanned by avast.
Starting today (6-13-08) my email program would take forever to load messages. The scanner seemed locked up. I works fine now after putting the following in the avast4.ini file:
That should have made zero impact as 20 is actually the default value and default values aren’t normally displayed in the avast4.ini file. It is only when you increase that value that it might help, so I don’t think what the problem was was directly related to this.