One more question

Ok so i have had my computer re-imaged which i found out all that was wrong with it the hard drive was pretty much dead and the internal wireless internet card was what was causing the lockup at boot now ive always ignored this but i wanted to get it out of the way with the laptop i have it comes with Symantec corporate edition which in my honest opinion sucks because well its symantec but Avast! conflicts with it i know but is there any way that avast conflicting with Symantec ultimately render my system unusable?

by the way don’t rely on luck my old internal wireless card worked with B and G routers and the external card i got from the I.T department is only B so now i gotta go spend 50$ or higher for a G wireless card
im hating it

There is no way that avast and Norton (Symantec) products could be running in the same computer without conflicts (from being not able to boot!).
What do you want to do, exactly?

i could uninstall symantec but i can guarentee there would be negative Repercussions from my school (im a senior looking for a area in computer sciences as a major in college) but Avast! is SO much better than anything from Symantec i know they conflict cause everytime i used to sign on i would get a notification that Im shields and p2p shields were disabled which i dont really use but i was wondering if it could ultimately crash my system causing another Re-image

Oh, I forgot to mention that when i used to have Avast installed id disable “file system real-time protection” but i cant find a way to complete end it from running anything short of using the processes or i could end it through msconfig another thing i don’t like about it is because im the client i cant even update it myself