One of the many servers vulnerable to the new DROWN attack.

Just leaf through HTTPS Everywhere’s Atlas and you will find many a candidate, like this one:
Results for
The following domain names are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. Attackers may be able to impersonate the server and steal or change data.
Update server software at all IP addresses shown, and ensure SSLv2 is disabled.
Vulnerable Domains: Vulnerable Because:
view certificate
is vulnerable to CVE-2016-0703
is vulnerable to CVE-2016-0703
supports SSLv2
supports SSLv2
supports SSLv2

Sites that use the certificates below are vulnerable to eavesdropping. Attackers may be able to decrypt recorded traffic and steal data.
Update server software at all IP addresses shown, and ensure SSLv2 is disabled.
Vulnerable Certificates: Vulnerable Because:
view certificate
supports SSLv2 export ciphers
view certificate
supports SSLv2
view certificate
supports SSLv2
view certificate
supports SSLv2
Cheked at →

Here we do not find it as yet:

Possible Frontend SPOF from: - Whitelist
(45%) - - Whitelist
(44%) - Missing SRI hash
and: Missing SRI hash stylesheet.

Checked site against cloaking: There is a difference of 25 bytes between the version of the page you serve to Chrome and the version you serve to GoogleBot. This probably means some code is running on your site that’s trying to hide from browsers but make Google think there’s something else on the page.

Paying it Forward</h2><div class="componentHeader2"><a href="-;p=2">Meet Sherry Patterson &apos;14, Merle Chambers &apos;77 Scholarship recipient</a></div><div class="componentTeaser">"I feel prepared to take on anything because of my experience at UC Hastings."

polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)

Another one:
Also with CMS issues for WordPress: The following plugins were detected by reading the HTML source of the WordPress sites front page.

-mailchimp-for-wp 3.1.1 latest release (3.1.4) Update required
lightbox-plus 2.7.2 latest release (2.7.2)
all-in-one-seo-pack latest release ( Update required
Plugins are a source of many security vulnerabilities within WordPress installations, always keep them updated to the latest version available and check the developers plugin page for information about security related updates and fixes.

Warning User Enumeration is possible ::slight_smile:
The first two user ID’s were tested to determine if user enumeration is possible.

ID User Login
1 admin admin
2 None
It is recommended to rename the admin user account to reduce the chance of brute force attacks occurring. As this will reduce the chance of automated password attackers gaining access. However it is important to understand that if the author archives are enabled it is usually possible to enumerate all users within a WordPress installation.

Detected libraries:
jquery - 1.7.1 : -
Info: Severity: medium
swfobject - 2.1 : -
1 vulnerable library detected

Insecure Identifiers:
66% of the trackers on this site could be protecting you from NSA snooping. Tell to fix it.

Stable branch of https: everywhere:

polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)