Hi malware fighters
While Microsoft’s Windows OneCare is not known to the majority of users, most users will realize within the coming five years that Windows 7 can only be optimally experienced when using this MS security software, as analyst Rob Enderle is predicting. While launching the newest Windows version, Microsoft will start to position their security software much more aggressively to get a better share of the market. This will not only improve the overall financial position of the corporation, but also take away the notion/prejudice that Microsoft is not able to better protect its own software.
“OneCare has been Microsoft’s way of answering for all mistakes it has made over the years laying the responsibility for securing Windows with third parties. According some this is one of the major mistakes Microsoft has made since it started. So an environment could be created where people who were responsible for security were motivated to demonstrate the vulnerabilities of the OS in order to sell their solutions, while they had no interest to further the improvement of the OS itself”.
According to Enderle we would have far less malware, patches and security leaks when Microsoft had worked towards securing their own OS from the word go. With OneCare the software giant goes beyond security as such, because the software is also securing and administering the OS. By doing is so it will be able to help a lot of users to solve problems. The analysts sees it as a link between the user and Microsoft.
One Care will be integrated further into Windows 7. What will the reaction of others be?
PS. Click the picture to see the animation.