Hi! How can I not have an account for avast free antivirus? I really like the program itself without any sharing either of my information or my computers’ specifications.
sorry for duplicate. page was not redirecting and hit refresh
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As far as I know most, if not all, software facing the internet shares certain information with the vendor.
This is done using some form of analytics or another to assist the vendor in knowing how the
user or users use their software. They do this to analyze how they can improve on their product(s).
Most vendors, avast included, use non-identifying information. It never hurts to read the EULA on
all software you install.
It’s also hard to protect your computer if they don’t know what has to be protected.
As a followup and an aside to the AVAST acct issue, basic computer spec’s are actually passed from your browser to every website you visit as a matter of course. Though you might have been thinking of other computer specs, or additional ones… IAC you can get an idea of what your browser reveals by going here:
That side is detecting many things totally wrong, likely because it is obsolete.
Just a few of the false reports:
User Language: en (wrong, it is Dutch)
Popups Blocked: No (wrong, they are blocked)
JavaScript Build: Not detectable with this browser
Adobe Acrobat: Not installed (It is installed just not set as default to open PDF’s)
They still look for MS JVM Build Muhaha.
That doesn’t excist anymore for many years.