Hey guys so I have Avast Free, Online Armor, Spyware Blaster, and Malware Bytes installed. For some reason the Online Armor firewall is blocking google chrome and realplayer with HIPS activated. I was thinking of uninstalling OA and installing Comodo. Just running into many issues with OA.
Have you tried running OA in learning mode ? other than that there are many users here that run the Comodo firewall only with avast and seem to like it plus there is also Privatefirewall which is another top choice for free firewalls.
My personal top choice for paid standalone firewall would be Outpost Pro ( Agnitum ).
Thank you so much! Well OA isn’t being as annoying with HIPS deactivated, but does that mean it has less protection now?
I didn’t suggest to disable the HIP’s ??? You may have slightly less protection if malware were to enter your system with HIP’s disabled as the HIP’s component would lock things down and prevent changes from happening but the malware first has to get past the avast defences, plus some people don’t like HIP’s and disable it anyway.
Back to my original suggestion which was to try learning mode but as I haven’t experimented with OA in quite a few years I cant even remember if OA has a learning mode button :-\
Edited to change OP to OA
What operating System are you running ???
Oh, I know you didn’t ask me to turn of HIPS but that’s the only way to have my system run smoothly. I had HIPS off before I posted, and OA does have a learning mode option when you right click on it. I’m running Windows 8.
You may want to give the following a try: