If we bundle it, we have an enormous knowledge base here, thanks for that link. We just have to make a survey of these check-site links: this one, blacklistdoctor, Exploit prevention Labs Link Scanner, the UnmaskParasites one, the bad stuff detektor for inline hidden iFrame dtection, test editor site: http://www.ramymostafa.com/wp-content/editordemos/TestEditor.htm, obfuscation and de-obfuscation sites. These last weeks of the online i Frame malcode injections, SQL injections, obfuscated java-scripts etc. has been a nuisance to users and website owners, but has been good for presenting a real boot camp for our malware fighting analyzers, I learned a lot, published some of the things found here in the virus and worms "department"at the general section of Giorgio Maone’s NoScript forum, and I hope some of our forum members got the message, which in short terms can be summed up as: “Do not trust any website, malcode can come to a place near you, even if you do not expect it, avast shield will alert you!”,