Online Scanners for Firefox???

I had a hell of a time finding an American Online Virus Scanner to work with Firefox. I finally found one, oh yeah remember I said American, Trend Micro UK website Housecall will work with Firefox, but not their American version, lol. Anyway here is the link.

If anyone else has one please post.


They should both work with firefox using Java rather than activeX controls (which firefox doesn’t have), it is meant to be the same scanning engine. I would have thought that if it was going to work in one of the countries only it would work in the US where the company is based.

AOHell only provides the connection if you use a different browser than the default so any of the on-line scanners should work. What complicates the issue for you is using firefox as it doesn’t have activeX and the greatest majority of on-line scanners use activeX, it just so happens housecall also has the option of using Java.

If you were to use one of the IE based browsers like Avant you could use many of the on-line scanners.
RejZoR’s Website - Security Ops
On-line Virus Scanners and other useful Links