After I cleaned a very infected system I am getting an OPEN WITH error when I click any drives
Do you know how to fix this?
After I cleaned a very infected system I am getting an OPEN WITH error when I click any drives
Do you know how to fix this?
send a PM to Essexboy …
I’ve already had this in Windows. That’s a bug, in my case not the result of any infection, a simple reboot solved it.
But this was the result of cleaning a virus with ClamWin and Malwarebytes
The Laptop I was fixing was itself a Trojan - ’ I had installed Avast Free for him but he uninstalled it out of his ignorance’
I couldn’t access the Internet because the virus had blocked everything so I had to do an On-Demand scan
Now, this is the problem
I found many references on Google but I couldn’t understand it
For example
you should browse the TechNet (Microsoft) forums about that…
: i think the machine is not yet clean :
because there is something blocking the explorer.exe to execute,
try to monitor your explorer.exe when you open the drive. it must be active in the task manager
Best Regards!!!
Will you believe this. I got 5321 malware from his system.
With those kind of numbers I would seriously be considering a backup of valuable data, forfat and reinstall from scratch.
something for Guinness World Records … ;D
Hello Chris Thomas,
You can try this.
It is very clearly explained…
Best Regards
The amounts of malwares detected is amazing! I detected 108 viruses and malwares in an office computer, you had better backup important data and then reinstall your OS.