opendns incoming connection blocked

firewall is set to public/high risk zone since i am connected to a broadband/cable modem. upon looking to the logs, firewall blocked opendns incoming connection.

is there any way i could allow the said connection? if none, what are the problems i may encounter?


hellloooo??? anybody there? ??? ??? ???

Does it change if you set the level to “Home”?

Don’t know why there is an “incoming” connection from OpenDNS to your computer, it should be outbound only I would think.

However, it’s usually best to setup your DNS server on your gateway (your router) instead of on individual computers. It’s easier to manage that way, and you’ll still have access to local resources (shared printers, folders, etc.).

Here’s some information to setup OpenDNS on a router (hopefully you have one, otherwise I guess I’m wasting my breath):

More specific instructions might be available for your particular router here (if needed):

it’s used to set to “work” and everything is fine, no blockings.

sorry but i do not have a router. but i’ve read it somewhere here that it is best to set the firewall to PUBLIC if you are directly connected to the internet through a cable modem/broadband.

I guess the outbound connection is for the opendns updater.

I have DNS set to and4.2.2.2 I get inbound from them on port 53 that are blocked. Too weird.

yup. and the remote addresses and inbound connections are blocked too!

Does it work if you put an exception for the two OpenDNS IP addresses in the Avast firewall?

where can i find that?

anyway, here’s a screen cap of my firewall log:

Don’t know where it is, as I don’t use AIS but someone will surely be around to help you. It might be in the settings menu. Just poke around, the new GUI is pretty easy to navigate.

Otherwise, I’ll google “Avast add firewall exception” and probably be able to find the answer for you.

Yep, first hit:

I’m not sure that will work as there isn’t a process as such for OpenDNS just the changes to the browser DNS server.

Just had a look at the avast Help Center, Firewall, Expert settings, Friends and that appears to mention the magic word networks, so I don’t know if that would allow you to enter the network IP address (the ones required for OpenDNS) in the Friends Internet In and Out.

Huh? What do you mean by that? The “just the changes to the browser DNS server” part.

I don’t see why he couldn’t add an entry to the two static IP’s of OpenDNS. It’s not just for the internet browser, I think the OP has the DNS entries hardcoded on his network adapter > TCP/IP properties.

Maybe I’m missing something here?

The reason for my comment was that the Knowledge base article sub-heading on;t mention ‘application’ this and ‘application’ that, I didn’t scroll right down to where it mentions what I came up with the Friends Network, etc. where you can enter the IPs. There didn’t seem to be any sub-heading for that at the top of the page.

I can’t recall the procedure for using OpenDNS, I can’t use it with BT Home Hub, but it is changing the DNS settings that are used as there is no OpenDNS application running (unless you use the Dashboard feature, which required IP discovery on your IP). Hence my confusion about how can you enter an application for OpenDNS.

Alright, that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.

Hopefully he can enter the IP’s and that will solve the problem.

if i’ll include the opendns ips in my ‘friends’, what range of digits should i input?

I’d say just the two IP addresses that are listed on the OpenDNS home page (just look on the bottom of their site).

If you add them to the “trusted” networks, it shouldn’t block any communications from them.

Again, I don’t have the AIS product, so I might be wrong, but if I was in your situation I would do just that to see what happens.

Good luck, and I hope that works for you. I can’t believe that more people aren’t having the problem though, a lot of avast users on the forum use OpenDNS for their DNS queries, so I’d assume there would be more discussions about this.

calling all the evangelists!!! help me. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: