Opening Avast Premium

I just bought an Asus TF300T Tablet and have purchased Avast Premium Antivirus and downloaded it together with the security key. However, I cannot open the file to insert the security key. Each time I try to open the download I get a message saying ‘Cannot Open File’ - can anyone explain as I am new to all this tablet/android stuff and used to my PC - totally lost on this!


I’m not sure you are in the correct forum. If you purchase premium in any of our Android products, you don’t get any file. The apps just switch themselves to premium mode. Are you sure you are not confusing our Android and Windows apps?


Hi Phillip - I am a complete novice and dunce when it comes to tablets so I have no idea what I am doing. I just bought the same avast software that I usually use for my laptop and downloaded that but I’m not sure if that is what you do with a tablet device. Not really very au fait with apps either! - doh!

Unless your tablet can run windows (very unlikely), like the Microsoft Surface tablet and specifically the Microsoft Surface Pro running windows 8 pro (not windows 8 RT). Otherwise you can’t install the avast! antivirus program for windows systems.

If you have an Android tabled then avast! Premium (for windows) can’t be installed.

The avast! mobile security (AMS) should be OK depending on the tablet (?) and the android Operating System (?). If you have an android tabled with AMS installed then it is possible - as Filip mentions - to upgrade that the the Premium version.