Opening dialog inside the Sandbox crashes, any fix?

Hello everyone.

I’m using AIS, and I use the Avast Sandbox with the Browser (Firefox).

Strangely, everytime that I open a dialog box (like opening a file, or saving a file), the program stops responding and I have to close it manually.

It happens with many programs (Firefox, Notepad++, Libre Office, Paint).

Is there any fix?

I already tried to allow these dialogs, but no success. I also removed and re-enabled the Sandbox from Control Panel->Avast!->Change.

  • Which version of AIS…?
  • Other security related software installed…?
  • Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?
  • 11.1.2245
  • Malwarebytes free.
  • None.

Might be a bug, wait for one of the devs and/or submit a ticket: