any opera users out there?if there is can you tell me why everytime i use opera it uses alot of memory.i can have one tab open and my memory in task manager will say 100K and continue to go up at one time with again only one tab open on operas forums my memory was up to 400K.that is rediculously too high
You mean 400,000K?
What application is using that much memory. I mean, since the title is “Opera”, I’m assuming it’s the browser using it, but maybe not?
I’m confused, is it using 400MB of memory of 400k?
I’m using the latest the version of Opera on XP Pro and my is at 123,604K
under task manager where it says opera it says 400,000K
as i speak right now with just this page open it says opera 134,658K thats way to high don’t you think?opera an fire both on avast forum
I really do not know why you are having such high usage, charger. Are you perhaps downloading through Opera which might cause this? Check this by clicking Tools and then Tranfers or … Ctrl + J … to be sure nothing is downloading.
Right now, I have 16 tabs open and am only using 53,444k of memory.
This is what it looks like charleyo.damn 16 tabs open and your only at 53K?i don’t know whats up man ,thats why i dont really use opera
dang i forgot to post the image
Since there is nothing downloading, I am at a loss to figure out why you are having this problem.
My only other suggestion is to look for help on Opera forums.
look charleyo with just this tab open
22940 K memory opera browser with one tab Avast forum open ;D
can you tell me why mine is so high
Is it plain? Do you have widgets on it? ;D
ya its plain no widgets or nothing
Try a clean uninstall/reinstall and see what it gives :o
tried it already
Try posting a link to this thread in this forum Be sure to post in English but also in french or any language you can as they sometimes have better and different answers from one another.
Good luck ;D
can this be the reason why my memory usage is so high right now with just this tab open 150,592K
C:\Program Files\Opera\Program\Plugins;C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins
No, I have the same here