Opera_Ni_Stable.exe in Virus Chest

I scheduled an automatic monthly scan (for the first day of the month) and the scan history stated that no viruses were found.

However, when I checked the Virus Vault, it showed two listings for ‘Opera_Ni_Stable.exe’ (which is obviously my Opera browser) with Win32:Evo-gen(Susp) listed under the ‘Virus’ column.’ They are shown as ‘Last Changed’ on June 13 and ‘Transfer Time’ on June 14.

No On-Access Scan has ‘detected’ this file or any other file as a virus.

Is there a glitch and are these two false positives?

Win32:Evo-gen(Susp) = suspicious

This may happen with new files … I guess this was a Ooera update

The Full System Scan was scheduled automatically for 3am Wed July 1 and no viruses were detected and I just ran a manual Full System Scan at 8pm and, again, no viruses were detected. I ran a Malware Scan at 9pm and no malware was detected either.

My question has still not been addressed as only the obvious has been stated, that it was an Opera Browser Update, which it most likely was.

Is the Opera Browser Update suspicious? If not, why did Avast detect it as such?

Would it be placed in the Virus Vault after an On-Access Scan or only after a scheduled On-Demand scan?

Should the file be placed back somewhere/restored, deleted, or should it be kept in the Vault?

Is the Opera Browser Update suspicious? If not, why did Avast detect it as such?
As i said above, suspicious detection may happen with new files ..... reason: not seen before, not many users ..........

Right click file in chest and rescan, if not detected you may restore.
Since this is more then 2 weeks old i guess detection is removed and your Opera already got that update

Using the virus chest https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB21#

Suspicious files can be checked here www.virustotal.com / www.metascan-online.com

Opera_NI_Stable.exe is listed twice in the Virus Chest, under ‘Program Files’ and ‘Program Files,’ so I right-clicked both files and it stated ‘Scan Complete: No Virus’ for the file in both locations.

Since the Opera Browser Update was more than 2 weeks ago and opera already received the update, are you saying that the update should be restored, deleted, or kept in the Vault?

When you stated that suspicious detection may occur with new files because it has not been seen before, are you referring to the fact that Avast has not detected this file before or that not many users use the Opera Web browser?

Since the Opera Browser Update was more than 2 weeks ago and opera already received the update, are you saying that the update should be restored, deleted, or kept in the Vault?
If your Opera is updated then just delete from chest
When you stated that suspicious detection may occur with new files because it has not been seen before, are you referring to the fact that Avast has not detected this file before or that not many users use the Opera Web browser?
Not seen by many avast users

Thanks for confirming!

Will Avast detect all new Opera Browser updates as suspicious even though they are just browser updates?

send us the detected files through https://support.avast.com/ → Avast Virus Lab as false positive.


Will Avast detect all new Opera Browser updates as suspicious even though they are just browser updates?
You find out when/if it happens

If it does, follow instructions given by Milos in post above