Opera wants Microsoft to offer browser 'ballot screen' worldwide

;D Opera wants Microsoft to offer browser ‘ballot screen’ worldwide :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe Opera should be forced to send out a ballot to every computer owner
to find out if they are interested in installing Opera on their system ???

Personally I don’t see why Opera would want to do that as it really would make little difference to its market share as with all browser (suggested up to 5-9 top ranked) options in the ballot, people would pretty much stick with what they have.

Since this concession has already been given by MS for the EU, where there is already a higher take up of browsers other than IE than worldwide. Perhaps it is this that Opera hope would increase their share worldwide.

Desperate move from Opera?

I wonder if it is one of the Opera’s unique ways of advertising their products, which reminded me an old example like this. ;D

Perhaps it is this that Opera hope would increase their share worldwide.
David, This is precisely my point. Why should Microsoft pay the expense to increase some one else's product? Opera or any other browser.

Wow, Opera must be getting really desperate.

For me, I don’t want the ballot. As long as Microsoft does not attempt to “slow down” other blouser (like Nestcape case), it is ok.

What I scare is later will be a push on video player ballot, email client ballot, antispyware ballot, the list goes on …

I’m not sure why Opera would be desperate, considering that they have something like 30% of the mobile market in the pocket, and their desktop user base grew by more than 100% in less than 2 years or so.

Presumably because they broke the law… Breaking the law has consequences, you know.

Is that really so, or did a journalist invent yet another quote?

Why are you making all these posts in an old thread ???

prtscrt seems fascinated by Opera, he just posted in two other old Opera threads that I posted ;D

Hopefully he’s not trying to run up his post count…

10 to go…

I want to make a point here

What is the fuss around Windows?

Windows is owned by Microsoft right?

Why should Opera take Microsoft to court and especially European courts and sue them?

This is injustice.

If I give my car for a ride to my friend for a few days, is he entitled to sue me when I say ‘NO’ :-X

I need some clarification. Can someone tell me? :smiley:

Because they can.

European law is European law.

Don’t like it? Tough shit.

Opera had what they wanted (or not… ;D), MS complied, end of story, if Opera keep suing, they’ll be screwed, they already are in fact as those who prefer IE will stick to IE with the ballot screen, those who were on Firefox, okay, you got the idea, Opera market share won’t get a single point more out of that, tough shit ;D

edit: suing Microsoft indefinitely won’t make Opera shine more than it does, if it does :smiley:

Yes, Opera is Tough Shit :o

I always like the end of the Opera when the fat lady sings: