I have the avast 4.7 pro edition. When I run a scan, it stops when a virus is found, and I get the dialog asks me which action to take. The problem is that the scan stops so I can’t leave the computer. Is there an option in which the scan results, including infected files, will be shown only in the end of the scan, and only then I’ll be able to choose which action to take regarding each infected file ?
You are probably using the Simple User Interface ?
If so switch to the Enhanced User Interface, right click on the skin and select, ‘Switch to Enhanced user Interface.’
Then check the avast help file, Enhanced User Interface, sorry I can’t be of more practicle help as I use avast Home.
Thx for the reply.
I use the Enhanced User Interface and I still don’t know how to solve the problem…
Have you checked out the avast help file, that is all I have to go on and it would appear you need to Look at the Tasks. Create a task set the area to scan and actions to take, etc.
You’re running a scanning… ok, which Task did you start?
Right click it, choose Properties, than click for Advanced configuration.
Go to Virus page and set the chain of actions to be taken:
repair send to Chest interative, for instance.
And, if you want to perform the actions at the end of the scan, clean the action field (i.e. keep it empty). avast! won’t do anything about the infected files - but you’ll be able to perform the actions later (select the results, rightclick and select the action from the popup menu).