Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit - fresh install
8 Gigs memory.
Current Avast Internet Security - paid.
VirtualBox Manager won’t start up without elevated privileges.
With elevated privilege, VM’s won’t start due to super hardened something or other.
Hope you folks are looking into this. I have to find another antivirus vendor that can figure out how to make things work. Other items have not worked either with my upgrade from the free to the paid product along with the later “hardened” versions.
You’ve got it so strict that regular programs cannot run that should be allowed to run, and there is no way to create an exceptions list. I did try the manual entry of program directories and such into exclusions and this did no good.
This is a problem with Virtualbox, not with Avast. In latest version they added some idiotic checks that make it break with almost every single software that uses some form of process modification/memory injection. It breaks even because of basic things like nvidia drivers. On the forum, they have a beta version, that ads some whitelisting and process memory cleaning/reconstruction, but it only fixes some cases. Just uninstall it and reinstall older version or use some different VM.
I thought there was another thread on this, but I can’t find it now…
Anyway - It would be ideal if you could whitelist executables in Avast AND that would stop the code injection that Avast does.
On the other thread I believe it was made clear that you could whitelist the file, but it would STILL do the code injection, which seems quite uncool to me…
So Avast COULD take the lead here, and do something smart (and pretty obvious) to their engine, and impress their users.
I have found that Avast is interfering with Virtualbox’s execution of VMs. It just freezes at 0% executed. If I uninstall Avast it works fine, until I reinstall avast (even with all shield shut down). I have been told that this is due to an issue with the way Virtualbox works with antiviruses, however if that were the case then Virtualbox would not work with McAfee either. I am considering changing Anti-Viruses because I have found no support for this issue. Anyone want to seriously tackle this issue with me?