OS liscense?

Again I’m turning to my friends on this board because I don’t know where else to go for help and advice.

I’m looking at a refurb PC on eBay. It says it has the OS liscense, but there is no OS installed. OK, so if you have the liscense, how do you get the OS? Do you then d’load it and burn it to a disc then install it on the PC I buy?

Please help!!!

and thank you!!

Having a liscense isn’t the same as having a valid liscense. Be careful.
If it is a valid liscense, then you can simple borrow someones install CD and use the
valid liscense number when asked.

What OS does it relate to ?

A license without an OS CD isn’t much use, you have to have a copy of the OS to install and if you get that from a legitimate source it will come with a license key.

As Bob says, exercise care, if the license is invalid, it will fail the Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) validation.

Groomerdriver -

I would stay away from that PC.

It will end up giving you many problems. :frowning:

Unless you install Linux on that beautiful empty hard drive. ;D