Which OS do you like most?

Already a poll! ::slight_smile:

Agreed that avast is awsome but your signature does not convey system information. :wink:

second thread of that kind… ::slight_smile:

It’s not the same thing! It says the poll is Which OS do you use, not Which OS you like most?

whatever, that’s useless. Such threads are generally started by noobs on the forum; you find dozens like that on the web. Either you’re a stat maniac or you’re bored ;D

Please read:

Some people say I escaped from a psychiatrist hospital or something, but I’m not, Ok?

you’re sure ???

Yes, of course I’m sure!

Nobody is sure of anything ;D

I have no idea why she mentioned that tbh ::slight_smile: (misinterpretation of “stat maniac” I suppose)

I have to say, this Thread just made my day!!! :smiley:


lol I dont know how to multiquote, but the convo that went on was really funny :smiley:

pcclean: “Some people say I escaped from a psychiatrist hospital or something, but I’m not, Ok?”

logos: “you’re sure ???”

pcclean: “Yes, of course I’m sure!”

tech: “Nobody is sure of anything ;D”

Click on “Quote” button and manually edit the quotes.
The command for quotting is:


oh ok. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I find this somewhat strange, how can you enter 2 options for the Question “Which operating system do you like MOST” how can you like more than one OS, MOST. The question is also singular or it would have been “Which operating systems do you like MOST”

Yet another well framed (NOT) pointless Poll, which is essentially the same as the one already running as mentioned, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=75186.0. Since there is only one choice in that Poll, presumably they are putting in the OS that they use/like most.

She had a sex change this morning. :wink: