OTL.EXE - cannot run

I’m experiencing a virus/malware problem (ref http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=91419.0), and following the instructions at “Logs to assist in cleaning malware” (http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0).

I have windows xp, in safe mode, and when I dbl click on OTL.exe I get this error prompt:
The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction. Choose ‘Close’ to terminate application

[Close] [Ignore]

Should I not be running the scan in safe mode? Thanks CM

first…why dont you continue to post in the topic already started ???

Should I not be running the scan in safe mode? Thanks CM
if you are able to it should be run in normal mode

Sorry about that - I did post in the original post, but I was advised to start a new post so it doesn’t get bypassed.

The post you started is the new post…
it is meant as a message to those that post virus problems all over the forum…and not in the virus and worms section

OBS: Essexboy is notified and i guess will respond in your first post when he arrive :wink: