My outlook (2003/WinXp) works fine until I installed Avast 4.7 Home … I cannot send any email now. After reading here it seems that there is a problem with SMTP port …
I use 110 (POP3) and 25 (SMTP) … does some1 can help me please ? … thanks
Sorry I don’t use Outlook, but you could check that avast plug-in isn’t disabled.
Check Outlook 2003 > Help > About > Disabled items
Please tell us exactly the error message you are seeing when you try to send your email.
- Avast plug-in is not disabled.
- I use French version … but translated, the error message is saying that either the smtp server is not reaching or smtp port is not correct.
The smtp server is reachable bcause I can ping it and it is the same server than pop server which works. I only can receive emails. I try same parameters on another PC without Avast … it works
I read that disabling sending emails check could resolve this issue. I don’t know how to do that except by unselecting options in control panel … but it doesn’t works …
Well, both Control Panel and Outlook plugin settings should work.
You don’t need to use Control Panel, uninstalling the plugin, but only changing the SMTP scanning settings. Left click the ‘a’ blue icon, click buttom Details and then choose the plugin at left and click Customize. Go to SMTP tab of settings.
Here are screenshots … http://www.hebergement-images.com/members/1173292200_outlook.gif …
As you can see, scanning outgoing message and SMTP (image 1, 2 and 3) have been disabled and sending test message in Outlook (4) failed.
So… I can’t see a reason for avast to be the guilty…
Are the SMTP settings correct?
Does your email use SSL connections, like GMail?
SMTP settings are corrects (server ok and port 25) and my email doesn’t use SSL connections
It works now and it’s not bcause of Avast … it seems that my provider block all sending email throught another SMTP server than their ! >:(
Thanks Tech …
Authentication failure, isnt’ it?
Glad you’ve solved and you’re happy with your avast installation now! 8)