Our website xtendadvert.com is flagged as “URL:Mal”. See attachement for the alert we get when trying to visit the site.
Note that we own the domain xtendadvert.com and it is hosted on our servers. It is safe and does not contain any malware.
We try creating a ticket on Avast support, but it is reserved for paying customer. How can we get our URL removed from Avast’s blacklist?
@Asyn, thanks I filled out the form. Let’s see if it works.
@Eddy, the reports you are linking to are reports of infection for domain that are no longer hosted with us. Furthermore, I really think that Avast is blocking the domain and not the IP since I can freely access all the other domain hosted at that IP address.
I confirm that Avast took our website off the list. Asyn had the solution with his form. FYI, it took about a week for the domain to be taken off the blacklist.