Is there a way to disable outgoing email scanning in Avast home?
Hey snoplow, welcome to the forums.
Double click on the A ball in the notification area (by the clock), click on details, click on internet mail, click on customize, click on the SMTP tab, then remove the check from “scan outbound mail”
Thanks Marc
No problem, Glad I could help. ;D
Might I enquire why you would want to do this ?
This function could provide an early warning of a trojan spambot installed on your system.
I use anti virus protection and three spyware programs. All my incoming mail is scanned. I’m not on a network or WiFi, and I am careful to open only mail from those I know or from trusted sites. Is it necessary? ???
I too use multiple applications to provide security but I don’t feel it necessary to disable outbound scanning for the reason I gave in my last post and it isn’t about scanning inbound email but outbound email.
This function could provide an early warning of a trojan spambot installed on your system.
This perhaps wasn’t clear enough you/r system could be sending out spam that would otherwise not be detected. By having the Internet mail set to High and outbound email being scanned. This finds multiple identical emails in a short time, now these spam emails aren’t viruses or spyware but spam so they are unlikely to be detected by the other programs.
But it is your system and your choice.
I don’t understand where a Trojan Spambot would come from if my system is protected and I do regular virus scans. If it is not in my machine I won’t pass it along by email. Therfore no need to scan outgoing mail. If this thinking isn’t right, let me know, I’ll turn it back on.
It matters not where it might come from if it manages to get on your system, there are new viruses and trojans by the bucket load an any zero day malware that gets in has to get out we are blocking that route, Your choice.
Snoplow… if you get any problem and your computer start to send, without your knowledge and willing, spams (or infected mail), you can ‘see’ what’s wrong if you scan your outbound mail. You’ll make your friends and any other who receive your mail happier 8)
See examples: