Is Avast working on bringing back the outgoing only signature only? ???
I can’t tell you how many people I have converted to Avast just by the signature…unfortunately with 5.0 I have to have the signature on both incoming and outgoing for it to appear and I really can’t (nor want to) tag all my incoming e-mails as well.
I agree the most important one is to scan inbound emails, it is a shame that they didn’t carry over the option that was in 4.8 to have the clean note in outbound email and not inbound. I too used to have it in outbound email just to promote avast, now it isn’t in either outbound or inbound, shame.
yes!!! please don’t ever do that!!!
much more important to scan the incomming than the outgoing, obviously…
never drop ur security 4 some lines of text!!!
i agree. i liked it, too!!! i used to enable it, so anybody getting mail would know it’s clean, but i don’t want to see it, when i receive msgs, cause i know they’re scanned by avast. (don’t need a note 4 that)
well, maybe it comes back some day ???
still the msg is sent in the header, but few mail-clients r showing it by default.