Outgoing SMS Not Working on Rooted Droid Bionic


I’ve had Avast installed for a few months now on my Verizon Droid Bionic. When I installed it I got the error messages about incompatibility with Verizon applications specifically: Verizon Login, Verizon Remote Diagnostics and VZ Navigator. Rather than “uninstalling” these Verizon apps (and maybe losing them forever), I used the pro version of Titanium Backup to “freeze” these 3 applications. Once I did that, the warning from Avast Anti-Theft went away and the software appears to work:

I can, for example, lock the phone remotely, send it a message to display on the screen, unlock the phone, have the phone send me its location, etc. What I couldn’t do, and didn’t realize till today, was have the phone CC me either SMS messages or call notifications. I tried this from the avast website using both silent and CC mode. I also used it from another phone that I had setup as a ‘friend’.

The phones appear to receive the message because its inhibited from being displayed like a normal SMS would. But after that SMS messages are not forwarded. I also tried the “Send test SMS” function and the app claimed that the test “Finished successfully.” for both SMS 1 and SMS 2. But I did not receive a message on either device. (I did confirm that I can manually send an SMS from one device to another - its not an issue of the phone number being wrong. I also sent a command “{my private key} CC SMS” without specifying a callback number but got the same non-result.

it seems its not good to freeze the apps. can you try to unfreeze? plus it is important that you tell me that if verizon is unfreezed, you can send commands to anti-theft without being notified on the phone of incoming SMS → if that is the case (=avast! is working) we can remove the warning.

To be clear before I do anything:

Now that Avast Anti-theft has been installed you would like me to unfreeze the 3 Verizon applications that I had to freeze to get it to load correctly? Then, when they are unfrozen (and perhaps after a reboot of the phone for good measure?) you want me to send commands to anti-theft to see if it Avast still responds to commands - both in general (as it does now) and then also wrt to forwarding me the incoming SMS messages to see if unfreezing solves that problem as well?

I’ll assume “yes” to those questions - and do that now - both with and without a phone reboot. I’ll post another note with the results.

I unfroze the 3 Verizon applications and successfully sent a message, lock and reboot command from the Avast website to the phone. These commands worked both before and after the reboot. Unfortunately the SMS forwarding feature failed to work after the apps were unfrozen and also still fail after the reboot.

I’m available to help with further tests/debugging if you want me to try something else (or send logs?).

you should try not from website. try sending SMS commands! if they do not show up on your phone, and they work we can safely assume that verizon does not do any trouble and remove the warning.

in a second step (after that) we can proceed with your detailed issue.

Okay send Lock, Unlock, and even SMS CC and SMS FORWARD is now working when I sent those commands to my phone from another phone as opposed to the website. (Not sure why that made a difference … but its good to have it working!)

Thanks for a great application!

we released an update - please try with this one!

I upgraded and still receive rhw warning about the verizon sms incompatibility. But the avast software does seem to work as intended.

can you get us the package name of that app?

I’m getting one error “Incompatible SMS Tool Found” for “Verizon Remote Diagnostics”

But as I said - it does seem to be working despite that warning.

yes but each app has an internal package name that we need to know. we do not have verizon phones here. does anyone know?

Titanium backup shows the current version info for Verizon Remote Diagnostics as:

package name com.Aetherpal.Device
package version
apk path /system/app/VRDClient.apk

great we’ll include that in the next release.