Outlook 12 Support

I am having issues using the current version of Avast! Home with Outlook 12 Pre-Release.

I am getting the following error messages:

Avast: Unable to connect to the Avast engine.
Avast mail protection cannot be started.

The add-in “C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashOutXt.dll” cannot be installed or loaded. This problem may be resolved by using Detect and Repair on the Help Menu

These errors occur when starting Outlook 12 and when loading a message.

I understand Outlook 12 has not yet been released, however I am inquiring whether anyone else has discovered this issue and if there is a temporary workaround.


Have you try searching the board for ashOutXt.dll?
Maybe you find some workarounds and help.
Welcome to avast forums.

Hi, may be there is something new in Office 12, so avast! Outlook plugin has problems with it, I will check it and will inform you asap. pavels

Thanks for the replies.

Yes, I searched the forums for ashOutXt.dll before I posted and none of the solutions worked for me. I do not have the system file extend.dat and adding smtp info to avast settings did not help. So far I have disabled the plugin in Outlook even though I know it isn’t the smartest idea, but it still looks like the avast mail scanning icon is active…possibly just the internet mail module.

Pavels, this seems to me to be an issue with Outlook 12 because I previously had Outlook 2003 installed with avast and had no such issue. Hopefully we can find a fix 'cause I love avast and the new Outlook 12 rocks on my system…much more stable than 2003.


Hmm, we don’t seem to be able to get our hands on the new Office beta.
Ominx, I guess you’re not allowed to provide us with a copy, are you…? :wink:

Yea…but I shouldn’t be posting that here. I’m suprised you guys aren’t MSDN subscribers.

We are MSDN Universal subscribers, of course (in fact we’re a MS Certified Partner so we have virtually any sw from them, including the MSDN subscriptions, for free).

That said, I still don’t have the Office 12 beta. It’s not listed in the Subscriber Downloads (or I’m blind ;)).


Your right it was a limited release of 10,000 copies to Beta testers. Yea me! I know beta 2 will be a full blown release for MSDN subscribers though.

In the mean time, since MS doesn’t think it’s a priority for developers to test the compatability at this stage maybe you can source it elsewhere. Or, I can just wait. :wink:

Just got word Beta 2 will be available to MSDN Subscribers on December 16, 2005. Just thought I would let you know.

OK, thanks. I guess we’ll wait then…
I don’t think it’s necessary to download it from a shadow server at this stage… :wink:

Hi again,

just wanted to say that the latest avast program update (4.6.763)
should solve the incompatibility between avast and Outlook 12 beta.
