Outlook 2000 [Outlook/Exchange Plugin]

heh, hi guys :wink:

Did not know how to word the subject.

I used to use Outlook Express 6, but switched to Outlook 2000. I like it a lot. I remember the internet mail program setup Outlook Express 6 with inbound and outbound mail protection.

It looks as if when I use Outlook 2000 that there is no little icon appearing in the system tray indicating that my mail is being scanned?

Is this because the Outlook/Echange plug-in takes care of this for me?

The Outlook/Exchange plugin is protecting me as the logo appears everytime I load Outlook 2000. And it shows 5 out of 5 service running.

I just however remember manually configuring Outlook 2000 like this:

username: example#
pop8 server:
smtp1 server:

Now is this mail protection used primarily for Outlook Express? Iā€™m assuming because I have the Outlook/Exchange plugin that I donā€™t need the Internet Mail scanner.

Thanks guysā€¦
Itā€™s been a while! :-\ :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

The " Outlook/Exchange" part is taking care of the mail if you use Outlook (not express). If you want to make sure. Setup the mail as your mail provider tells you, run the mail protection wizzard. Send yourself a email with the eicar test file and see if it is working.

ps: There are some other threads on this board with additional info. Use the search option.

I have the same problem. I am using Outlook 2000, but only with internet mail accounts. My Outlook never logs on to an exchange server. There is nothing in the message headers to tell me that Avast is scanning my emails, and I cannot send myself an Eicar test file ā€“ my ISPā€™s wonā€™t let the email through!

Is Avast protecting my Outlook emails? Or do I have to manually set up the accounts the way that the accounts in my Outlook Express (which I also use) are set up?

Youā€™re rightā€¦ Wellcome back Steeleā€¦ You run away from forumsā€¦ Disapeared :wink:

I think not :cry:
Can you go to the Outlook menu, Help > About and see if avast is checked on the enabled plugins?
If so, can you repair your instalation (Control Panel > Add/Remove programs)?

In Outlook 2000, or at least my installation of it, there is nothing in the ā€œHelp > Aboutā€ about plugins. In the ā€œTools > Options > Advanced Options > Add-In Managerā€, there is something called ā€œavast4ā€ and it is checked. When I start Outlook, I see the Avast! MS-Outlook/Exchange plugin splash screen. However, when I look at the Options for the individual messages, where it shows the internet headers, there are no headers referring to Avast.

Sorry, I do not use MS Outlook but it seems you got it.
When you have Outlook opened, how does the plugin appears on avast (left click the ā€˜aā€™ blue icon on the system tray), can you see if it is running?

After you did the step above, can you see if the plugin configuration is ok, I mean, scanning both inbound and outbound mail?

Donā€™t you see the header (for instance):

X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0432-2, 04/08/2004), Inbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean

Hello folks,

I am in a very similar situation. I just purchased Office 2003 Professional (Microsoft did a great job on this package!!)ā€¦anyhow, instead of using Outlook Express 6 for e-mail, I now use Outlook 2003 for e-mail.

When I started Outlook, I did notice the new ā€˜Outlook/Exchangeā€™ splash sceen too. However, I also thought the ā€˜scanner iconā€™ in the sys tray was not showing up. After recieving some e-mails, I did notice that the icon DOES show upā€¦but, it does it very quickly (compared to Outlook Express). When I say quicklyā€¦I mean the icon just flashes for a split secondā€¦hard to notice sometimes.

Maybe you are having the same thingā€¦the icon appears and disappears so fast you do not see it. I know it may sound rediculous, but that is what is happening on my PC.

I have aslo tested with the eicar test virus, and everything checks out good. Avast! wouldnā€™t even let me attach the file at first!! The Outlook/Exchange scanner is working very well here.

Hope you get get yours working too!

With this youā€™re only testing the Standard Shield protection (you seem to have your sensitivity level on ā€˜Highā€™) and not the Outlook pluginā€¦

Do you see the X-headers of avast in any message?

About the icon: Iā€™m not completely sure but the plugin does not have this option. The icon on the system tray ā€˜comeā€™ from Mail Protection Wizard and depends of Internet Mail Provider (and not the Outlook plugin). Maybe the avast4.ini file configuration would not be read while the plugin tries to download the email ::slight_smile:

The Outlook/Exchange plugin is running when I click on the ā€œaā€.

When I tell the Outlook/Exchange plugin to insert messages into clean messages, I see those messages, however, I never see lines like ā€œX-Antivirus: avast!ā€ in the headers of my Outlook messages.

Looks like the Outlook/Exchange plug-in is working just fine. ;D

I also saw the little blue mail icon appear and disapear so quickly once I opened some new e-mail.

It just works a little diferently than the Internet Mail plugin. It scans suring retrival of mail items.

Outlook/Exchange plugin does itā€¦ after?
Not sureā€¦ but at any rateā€¦ itā€™s working and Iā€™m shown as protected by the Avast Outlook/Exchange plug-in. :slight_smile:

Thanks guys! :slight_smile:
And thanks for the welcome back Technicalā€¦ means a lot.

Yeah, I tend to take off and disappear.
Just likeā€¦ in real lifeā€¦ :frowning:
Take care.


Well, youā€™ll be always wellcome back 8)
Do not worry about the icon in the system trayā€¦
Do you have the X-headers of avast into the emails?
Can you add notes to clean emails?