Outlook 2003

Is the Outlook Provider going to be updated for Outlook 2003?

I am using the Internet Mail provider to scan Outlook 2003, and I guess my other question is does the Outlook provider give anything other than ease of use? Just curious.

It works with Outlook 2K3 just like with any other version.

And yes, the Outlook providers provides some more options - e.g. moving the infected mails to a special folder etc.


This is my bad for being too tired and expecting everyone to see what i’m talking about let me explain what I really meant.

I meant for the function of inserting messages into clean/infected e-mails. I use this for a specific function of remembering what I’m actually doing. I know it sounds weird, but this has been the easiest thing for me to use to remember where I’m actually at and track the items.

But besides that. The Outlook plugin does work fine in scanning yes, but if attempting to insert the notification messages in to the emails using the outlook plugin it is unsuccessful. However using the internet mail plugin it is successful.

Do you use HTML or plaintext messages?

Both and the same happens for both.

I also use Outlook 2003 and have problems with the insert notes option as well. If I turn on the option for incoming mail, the email is completely blank. I imagine outgoing mail would have the same problem with option turned on for outgoing mail. I am using the newest version.

Aha, OK, I’ll try to find out what’s going on here.

So it’s both incoming and outgoing, and both plaintext and HTML, right?




It just looks like Microsoft has changed the field tags used (i don’t know if thats what is used it avast!) or something like that. Which is why I started just using the regular provider to make sure that the messages are actually getting scanned.

OK thanks we’ll check it out.

BTW are you using the final (RTM) build of Outlook (I believe it’s 5606) or some earlier version?


I’m not exactly sure why I got it, but yes it is RTM which is 5606 (otherwise I wouldn’t have posted the thread :slight_smile: always wait for the final build).

I must be on some of my college lists still.

OK. One more thing. Is the mail body completely blank or does it contain just the avast note?

Because the way it works it:

read the body
attach the note
write the body
save the body

so the question is whether it’s just the read that’s failing…

Thanks Vlk

The mail body is completely blank. As if attaching the note is overwritting the body.

Actually that is my guess as to what is happening. Either that or it is reading for the wrong thing, so when it goes to re-write the body there is nothing there or vice-versa.

Well if it was just reading a wrong thing it would at least correctly write the note, right?

In theory it could do something like … Read the wrong thing and attempt to attach the note which fails for some reason or another then write the blank body…However thats just hypothetical since I have no clue how avast works other than what you said above.

Reason I say it like that is because technically if it was reading and writing the same place (as you put it above in your progression) then it shouldn’t affect the message. I.E. the message should go untouched even with attach to message selected. So thats why I think its strange that it is writing out a blank message and why I wonder about both reading and writing. Unless the outlook API has totally changed which I would find hard to believe. But this of course is one uniformed person’s perspective and is kind of why i swapped back to the regular Internet Mail provider for Outlook.

All right folks, we’ve created an update that should solve this prob.
Tested with O2K3 on our site - hope it’ll work for you too.

Please check it out and send us the results.

Donwload it from: http://cat.asw.cz/~vlk/ashOutXt.dll - just replace the file with the same in the avast directory with this one (first shut down Outlook to prevent sharing violations).


Thank You. Works as expected.

Out of curiosity could you perhaps give me a hint as to what has changed in outlook to cause this. I have a feeling I might need to update some of my outlook programs and am curious.

Out of curiosity could you perhaps give me a hint as to what has changed in outlook to cause this. I have a feeling I might need to update some of my outlook programs and am curious.

No problem.

The way our add-in was working before was:

read the body
attach the note
write the body
(possibly call RTFSync, if necessary)
save the body

Now, the fixed version does this

save the body
read the body
attach the note
write the body
(possibly call RTFSync, if necessary)
save the body

I.e. it first calls SaveChanges on the message. This was not necessary in any of the previous Outlook versions (starting with the MS Exchange Client application) but seems to be now mandatory for Outlook 2003. Not sure why, though… :-\

Well, the MS docs say: The IMAPIProp::SaveChanges method makes permanent any changes made to an object since the last save operation. , so it may make sense after all (although it doesn’t tell what it makes permanent if this is the first save operation ;)).

Hope this helps,

UGH…Not the answer i wanted. (not from you, but from the documentation).

Sorry for being so lazy I should have just looked it up myself, but a part of me was hoping it was my configuration or something other than related to an outlook change like this.

This one little thing screws up 2 of the outlook plugins i wrote for my machine a long time ago and I barely remember coding them or anything. Just makes my life miserable.

Sorry again…for being lazy, but I figured hey if anything reporting this saves the long thread about it later when outlook 2k3 is popular.

BTW, I do remember long ago wanting outlook to operate this way, because it makes some things a bit easier when dealing with the messages. And actually makes things like manual html image downloads actually useful to some degree.

Anyway enough ramblings. Thanks Again and I’ll go back to my corner and just read.

Sorry again....for being lazy, but I figured hey if anything reporting this saves the long thread about it later when outlook 2k3 is popular.

Absolutely! Big thanks to you, fortunately (with your help) we were able to fix this thing before the official release of Outlook 2K3. Well done!

BTW, I do remember long ago wanting outlook to operate this way, because it makes some things a bit easier when dealing with the messages. And actually makes things like manual html image downloads actually useful to some degree.

Maybe, but it must have ruined quite a number of 3rd party add-ins… :-
Probably not so cool idea to change such a behavior in the 5th generation of 32bit Outlooks…


Still not working for me after installing the new file. If I send mail with the insert notes option turned on for outgoing mail, the email is blank. If I receive mail with the insert notes option turned on for incoming mail, the email is blank. This is HTML mail. For Plain Text mail, if the insert notes option is turned on for outgoing mail, the email is blank. If the the insert notes option is turned on for incoming mail, the email is blank. Basically, no change for me. The email is blank for any type of mail with the insert notes option turned on using the Outlook provider. I give up on it.